Ways to Encourage “One More” Passes…and Sharing the Ball in General
We all love to watch it happen in games.
We show our players video clips of teams doing it.
Highlights of it happening get a ton of retweets and likes on Twitter.
But what are the best ways to instill the concept of sharing the ball, passing up a good shot for a great shot, and “one more” passes to your teams?
Here are a few ideas:
- Advantage Drills
- Playing 5v4 and 4v3 puts your players in more positions to make “one-more” reads and keep the ball moving against a scrambling defense.
- Heck, you might even play a little 5v3 or 4v2 to encourage this.
- Switch up the point values in your drills
- For example, the first team to get a “one-more” basket wins the drill. Or, make a “one-more” three worth 4 points in your scrimmages and other live drills.
- Tell the offense they have to score on an extra pass to win the drill…but don’t tell the defense (they’ll cheat)
- During 5v0 work while running through your sets, tell your team they must finish with an extra pass/one-more on every rep.
- A few drills/diagrams:
One More Passing
4v3/3v2 Passing
2v1 On the Side
Marquette Shooting
Punch and Spray Passing
One More Shooting
- Chart it in your locker room, print out pictures of it happening, stat it, offer some kind of reward for the most “one-mores” in a game. Get creative with this!
- Add it as part of your drills (as mentioned above)
- You should respond to a one-more in the same enthusiasm you respond to a charge being taken
- Do more passing drills in practice — make passing COOL!
- Require your players to “thank the passer” after a made shot/extra pass from a teammate.
- Every. Single. Opportunity. You. Have.
- If you find it on Twitter or a game, send it to your players!
- If your team does it games or you catch it on film in practice, SHOW IT TO THEM.
- Film doesn’t lie — and you can use it in a positive way.
What else works in getting your teams to buy into the idea of extra passes and sharing the ball?
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