Passing Drills — Teaching an Undertaught Skill
Passing has to be one of the most under-taught skills in basketball.
You see coaches complaining about it being a “lost art” all the time.
But, at the same time, most coaches spend so little time working on improving the actual skill of passing.
There are a few reasons for that:
- Coaches think spending time on passing drills is a waste of time and that time should be spent on other more pressing items
- We just think it happens naturally — it’s something a player “has” or doesn’t
- Passing drills aren’t “gamelike”
- We forget
- We run out of space in the practice plan
- We don’t really believe it can be taught/don’t know how to teach it
Passing is just like any other skill — you have to work on it and emphasize it in practices and skill workouts if you want your players to improve at it.
Here are a few thoughts/ideas:
- You can make any drill into a passing drill
- watch how your team throws passes in your drills…you’ll probably be surprised at how few gamelike passes are being thrown
- a good idea might be to film practice and show your team the types of passes they are throwing
- remind your players to throw “perfect strikes” in shooting drills, transition drills, finishing drills, etc.
- hold players accountable for throwing on target passes in drills
- Emphasize no turnovers in practice
- whether you’re working shell drill, playing full court, going over your sets, etc….hammer away at the importance of taking care of the ball
- I’ve seen some coaches have a 5 turnover (or whatever number you want) rule during 5-on-5 scrimmages. Once a team goes over 5, they run. Something like this, with your own twist, could help communicate the importance of taking care of the ball.
- Add passers to as many drills as possible
- Look at all your drills, see where coaches are passers, and find ways to adapt them so your players make the passes
- Next, take a good look at your shooting, ball handling, finishing and drills and think of places you can add a passer
- Add decision-making with passing to your drills
- This piggybacks off the idea above
- Where can you add a decision for your players in your drills?
- A lot of issues in passing/turnovers has to do with poor decision-making. It’s your job to make your players better decision-makers.
- Take away the dribble as an option in your drills
- Work on Shell Drill with no dribbling allowed. Do a full-court drill with passes only. Whatever works…just take away the dribble so your team can focus on passing.
And…finally…a few passing drills I like:
- Motion Passing
- list out every action that occurs in your playbook/within your offensive concepts
- from that list, make another list of every type of pass/cut in your offense
- construct all your drills around these concepts/plays
- for example, if you run Dribble-Drive…there are a few passes you need to be able to make when driving to a corner
- kick out, stop and throw back, pitch back, reverse pivot to safety, drop off to post, etc.
- construct drills where these actions happen and rep them out…with defense wherever possible
- 50 Pass
- This is one of my favorite passing drills. It also teaches cutting, timing, and defensive intensity/focus.
- Argentina Passing
- This looks more complex than it actually is.
- Celtic Passing
- Great drill to teach coming to the ball, throwing a strike, pivoting, and throwing the next pass. You drop it and your team loses the drill.
- Consecutive Passing
- Punch and Spray
- Great drive and kick teaching drill — this can be a continuous drill if you get rotations in line.
- Search “Basketball Passing Drills” on YouTube
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